Reference Date
Interactive Map
Employees Distribution in Oman
The maps are not authority on political and administrative boundaries. Shown limits and dimensions of wilayats are based on NCSI e-census project and are, as such inaccurate and should not be relied upon officially
Total Employees
Employees by Nationality
Employee by Gender
Employees by Institutional Sector
Employee by Education Level and Gender
M: Million / K: Thousand
Employees by Enterprise's Main Economic Activity
M: Million / K: Thousand
Employees by Enterprise's Legal Form
M: Million / K: Thousand
Employees by Enterprise Size
M: Million / K: Thousand
Employees by Age Group and Gender
M: Million / K: Thousand
Employees by Occupation and Gender
M: Million / K: Thousand
Number of Employees by Governorate
Number of Employees by Wilayat
Employees by Occupations (Top Ten Occupations)
Workers by Top Ten Important Specializations